You will be amazed at how easy, inexpensive and profitable it is to start your very own web hosting company! We provide you with all of the tools and support needed to have your business up and running in only a few minutes time. All of our reseller hosting plans will allow you to create unlimited web sites under your own brand name, with their own prices, packages and features WHM (Web Host Manager) will allow you to manage and provide your customers with their own user control panels (cPanel) which will enable them to create and modify their own web sites. Once your customer is logged into cPanel they are able to control sub domains, email addresses, passwords and much more without requiring any assistance! In the event that you encounter any difficulties, our Buckeye Nerds are here to help.
- 25 GB RAID-10 Storage
- 250 GB Bandwidth
- Unlimited Websites
- PHP & MySQL Support
- Daily Backups
- 24/7 Technical Support
per month
- 50 GB RAID-10 Storage
- 500 GB Bandwidth
- Unlimited Websites
- PHP & MySQL Support
- Daily Backups
- 24/7 Technical Support
per month
- 100 GB RAID-10 Storage
- 1000 GB Bandwidth
- Unlimited Websites
- PHP & MySQL Support
- Daily Backups
- 24/7 Technical Support
per month
- 150 GB RAID-10 Storage
- 1500 GB Bandwidth
- Unlimited Websites
- PHP & MySQL Support
- Daily Backups
- 24/7 Technical Support
per month
cPanel is the industry leading Linux website control panel and allows you to manage every aspect of your site easily.
Attracta is a company well known for providing SEO (Search Engine Optimization) services and helps you to increase website traffic.

We offer hundreds of software packages ready for you to install at your discretion, free of charge, straight from cPanel.
Creating a website can be tough – not with RVSiteBuilder. This software allows you to create a great looking website with coding knowledge!

CloudFlare is a service that provides website performance and security enhancements, free of charge. This tool is available straight from cPanel.
CloudLinux was designed to improve server stability and security. All of our servers feature this, along with CageFS and SecureLinks.