Most people are stuck with their phone for the duration of their contract, unless they want to pay a couple hundred dollars for new one that will be obsolete in the next year. To protect your investment, and so that you can get the most out of your cell phone, Buckeye Nerds provides a host of cell phone repair services to residents in Columbus and the surrounding areas.
Tune up your cellular device so that it runs as efficiently as possible;
Repair or replace the screen (on most devices);
Help you move files and documents from your phone to a computer or storage device to free up space on your cell phone;
Update your device’s firmware and other critical updates;
Unlock / jail break / root your phone so you can get the most out of the device you paid for.
Don’t spend the rest of your contract with a broken or malfunctioning phone: call Buckeye Nerds today!
*Not available for Mac